- final protocol
- заключительный протокол
Politics english-russian dictionary. 2013.
Politics english-russian dictionary. 2013.
final protocol — suvestinis protokolas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Dokumentas, fiksuojantis galutinį varžybų rezultatą. atitikmenys: angl. final protocol vok. Abschlussprotokoll, n rus. итоговый протокол … Sporto terminų žodynas
Protocol of Corfu — Signed 17 May 1914 Location Corfu, Greece Signatories Principality of Albania … Wikipedia
protocol — pro·to·col / prō tə ˌkȯl/ n 1: an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction 2 a: a preliminary memorandum often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty b: the records or… … Law dictionary
FINAL SOLUTION — (of the Jewish question; Ger. Endlö sung der Judenfrage ), the Nazi plan for the extermination of the Jews. Rooted in 19th century antisemitic discourse on the Jewish question, Final Solution as a Nazi cover term denotes the last stage in the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Protocol Data Unit — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda PDUs (en inglés, Protocol Data Units), Unidades de Datos de Protocolo. Se utiliza para el intercambio entre unidades parejas, dentro de una capa del modelo OSI. Existen dos clases de PDUs: PDU de datos, que contiene… … Wikipedia Español
Protocol stack — The protocol stack is an implementation of a computer networking protocol suite. The terms are often used interchangeably. Strictly speaking, the suite is the definition of the protocols, and the stack is the software implementation of them.[1]… … Wikipedia
Protocol data unit — In telecommunications, the term protocol data unit (PDU) has the following meanings: #Information that is delivered as a unit among peer entities of a network and that may contain control information, address information, or data. #In layered… … Wikipedia
Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment — The Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment supplements the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context. It was adopted and signed in Kiev in 2003 and requires 16 Parties for it to enter into force. Once… … Wikipedia
protocol — noun Etymology: Middle French prothocole, from Medieval Latin protocollum, from Late Greek prōtokollon first sheet of a papyrus roll bearing date of manufacture, from Greek prōt prot + kollan to glue together, from kolla glue; perhaps akin to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Boxer Protocol — Chinese|pic=Chinaboxerprotocolsignature.png|picsize=230px|picc t=1. 辛丑條約 2. 辛丑各國和約 3. 北京議定書 s=1. 辛丑条约 2. 辛丑各国和约 3. 北京议定书 j=1. san1 fu2 tiu4 joek3 2. san1 cau2 gok3 gwok3 wo4 joek3 3. bak1 ging1 ji6 ding6 syu1 p=1. xin1 ku3 tiao2 yue1 2. xin1… … Wikipedia
BitTorrent protocol encryption — Protocol encryption (PE), message stream encryption (MSE), or protocol header encrypt (PHE)[1] are related features of some peer to peer file sharing clients, including BitTorrent clients. They attempt to enhance privacy and confidentiality. In… … Wikipedia